Clean history
Without submodules
cd repo
rm -rf .git
git init -b master
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin<YOUR ACCOUNT>/<YOUR REPO>.git
git push -u --force origin master
With submodules
git checkout --orphan newBranch
git add -A
add all files and commit themgit commit
git branch -D master
delete the master branchgit branch -m master
rename the current branch to mastergit push -f origin master
force push master branchgit gc --aggressive --prune=all
remove the old files
Untrack files already added to git repository based on .gitignore
- commit and push all
git rm -r --cached .
is the remove command-r
will allow recursive removal–cached
will only remove files from the index. Your files will still be there.- The
indicates that all files will be untracked. You can untrack a specific file withgit rm --cached foo.txt
git commit -m ".gitignore fix"
- push
Everything about .gitignore
Remove unpushed commit
Delete the most recent commit:
git reset --hard HEAD~1
Delete the most recent commit, without destroying the work you’ve done:
git reset --soft HEAD~1